Ideas Are More Real Than People

There exists nothing more real in this world than the idea of you

Emeka Alozie


The Idea of you should matter less than the existence of you.

One day people are going to realize that ideas are more real if not as real as people, and these ideas have names, and these ideas exist, and no matter how intangible they are, and no matter how invisible they are. These ideas are like spirits. Spirits that persist within every society and culture, they have no home and no dwelling place. Some ideas deceive us and others help us. Ideas are eternal, they cannot die. Some are forgotten and thus they are abandoned, others live among us even today, and more are adapting as we are. They enter our thoughts and enter our minds. Where ideas come from nobody knows and to where they go no one has yet to understand. These ideas convince us of all kinds of things, they all aim to be believed. An idea exist once it is believed, and once we adopt the idea, we become the vehicles of their dissemination.

We forget that we have words to express things that we feel — often times communicating things that exist. We use language to communicate these words, never realizing that no matter the language we use we are all speaking about the existence of the same things.

The power of ideas summed up in a single picture. — R.I.P Treyvon

There are ideas that teach us that there is a such thing as race. They justify this belief to us, convince us that it only makes sense to believe it. That woman is black, and that man is white. They teach us what we see is what is real, that our eyes do not deceive us. When one succumbs to these ideas one cannot doubt their existence. They are blatant and impossible to doubt, like discrimination among: caste, sex, race, gender, religion, mustaches, tattoos.

One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.” Simone de Beauvoir

The Death of Socrates — Here lies a man who sought above all else to seek truth, justice, love, and hope, and when he could not find them he proposed a Theory of Forms and Theory of Ideas, that at least should they never exist in this world, there is hope that such ideas may truly exist in a more perfect world.

Then there are the ideas that do not distinguish themselves by what can be seen or heard, but by what can be felt. Their names are truth, justice, faith, hope, love, they do not seek to be known but to be felt. The eye cannot deceive these spirits, for these spirits do not discern. Yet upon the senses and perceptions of the eyes, they arouse feelings of what hope is to look like, and what truth is to look like, and what love is to look like, but they never show you love and you never are given proof that any of these things exist.

“I do not know how much I want, all I know is that I want” — Every Capitalist Ever

Then their are those ideas that shape a people like Capitalism, Communism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Feudalism, these are other spirits, that tug upon the nature of what it means to be an individual. As often times individuals go about choosing a way of living that they believe are true, to remain consistent to these ideas. These ideas decide the fate of men, before men realize they have a fate to begin with. Society and cultures are reared to defend these ideas, these spirits are reinforced in their power by the visible spirits and the invisible spirits.

“What if religious people only believe in their religion, to convince other people that they believe in God.”

Lastly their are those spirits and ideas that are on high, the great spirits, the powerful spirits, those spirits that sit upon high places, the one’s that are named religion, culture, tradition, government, institution, medicine, economy, they govern existence, and there is no greater power than them.

No matter where one goes in the world there exist some kind of government, government is the name of this idea. Because it is this idea of government, that isn’t just a name, but a spirit, a spirit of the rule of man, by a power outside the means of any individual person.

Collectively they are held in place: by ideas of democracy, notions of good and bad, Islam, Christianity, ideas of law, notions of life and death, ethics, etc.. These ideas at any moment can change the fate of entire civilizations, to challenge the foundations of the thought of these ideas challenges how people see who they are themselves.

The Invisible War

Lastly, at once there is a single idea that rest above all other ideas because it is the only idea that does not die when all men are laid to rest. Because to know this idea, is to limit this idea, and to know the limitations of this idea, is to deny this idea. That the cornerstones of the world are all governed by a single idea, an idea that entangles all other ideas, that every idea no matter what kind of idea, attempts to wage war against this idea.

Internal Rant:

You see, we have all been used as pawns, and we have taken up arms to defend these ideas, or an idea of some sort or another. We no longer war with men and women any longer, we war with the philosophies that consume them. Survival is no longer about life and death, when ideas can justify anything.

And there exist ideas in this world that want us all dead. These ideas will kill us all, if we let it. Why? Because that idea is death. Because death only wants one thing. Death wants to be believed because it is the only idea that can contradict existence. People do not want to die, people do not want the ideas they believe are real to die. People would rather die believing that what they believe is true, not that their life is true.

Wehave all been made victims of ideologies that may simply be spirits, that wage war against us by taking advantage of our ignorant and innocent minds.

Weare the embodiment of ideas that provoke us all into a war we never see, but wars we experience because we never realize we are within it.

Weexist among angels and demons disguised as ideas, and they all want to be God and teach us to be like God.

